Miguel Torga
(…) I came to know that the path of art is slow and painful, and that only sustained effort truly counts. Triumph would come later, if at all.
A Criação do Mundo
It has been written that I would never be the happy owner of my actions.
A Criação do Mundo
Fotografia de Miguel Torga a discursar depois de receber o prémio Montaigne

1969 - Diário de Notícias Literature Prize.
On receiving the award, in Lisbon, on 19 April of that year, he recalled a childhood story. After his fourth grade exam, which he passed with merit, his father gave him a ukelele, the first gift of his life. Torga played it so much that the strings snapped, whereupon his father, showing little patience with his son’s stubbornness, smashed it against a wall. Torga was 61 years old when he received this prize. He compared the distinction to a gift, to a new mandolin, revealing that he asked for 24 hours in which to think about whether he was going to accept the prize or not. He accepted it with a clear conscience and believing in his father's joy in the world beyond.

1976 - International Poetry Prize at the Knokke-Heist Biennials, which he was awarded in Brussels on 06 June 1977.

1980 - Morgado de Mateus Prize, ex-aequo with the Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

1981 - Montaigne Prize awarded by the F.V.S. Foundation of Hamburg, Germany.

1989 - Camões Prize, the most important award in the Portuguese-speaking world. He was awarded the prize at the 10 June festivities in Ponta Delgada, in the Azores. He was the first personality to be awarded the Camões Prize.

1992 - Life Literature Award from the Portuguese Association of Writers.
He received this award on 19 March, in Lisbon. The actress Beatriz Costa, who was absent from the ceremony due to health reasons, wished him “congratulations on the Nobel.” Mário Soares, the President of the Republic, underlined the importance of Torga's words and work and his awareness of freedom.

1992 - Personality of the Year Award 1991 from the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents.
He received the award at Estoril Casino on 08 July, at the age of 84.

1992 - Écureuil Prize for Foreign Literature at the Bordeaux Book Fair.
He was awarded this prize at Coimbra city hall, on 14 September, with a presentation by the Brazilian writer Jorge Amado, who said that it was Torga's amazing work that honoured the award and not the other way around. Mário Soares, the President of the Republic, presented the prize and underlined the universal nature of the great Portuguese writer’s work.

1994 - 1993 Critics Award from the International Association of Literary Critics Portuguese Centre.