Miguel Torga
São Martinho de Anta, 5 September 1982
My father's house. The family’s sacred base. But words desert me due to the emotion I feel when I step inside. I swallow them all.
Diário XIV
Fotografia do exterior da Casa Miguel Torga após o processo de reabilitação e musealização
São Martinho de Anta, 29 October 1955
It was from this reality that I departed, and it is to this reality that I always return, regardless of how many different paths I take in life. It’s a guaranteed landmark with witnesses, which never leaves me disoriented when I wish to liven up the extremes of my soul. All I need to do is scratch off the crust of its appearance a little, and there I am in my headquarters, confronted.
Diário VIII
Fotografia da receção da Casa Miguel Torga


A brief presentation of the writer, his relationship with the place, the context of the donation of the house by his daughter Clara Crabbé Rocha